The Lawn Boys always have lots of grass, that we ordinarily just take to the dump anyway, so if you need some of that lush green clean grass for your garden or for whatever other use, please let us know as it’s free for the taking. We will deliver it for no charge by the pickup load.. within a certain mile radius of course.
Some uses for Grass Clippings
Compost clippings at home: Clippings are an excellent source of nitrogen for your home compost pile. No more than 1/3 of the pile should be fresh clippings. Mix thoroughly with “brown” materials such as leaves or straw and turn the pile regularly to keep it well oxygenated and to prevent odors.
Use clippings as mulch: Apply dried grass clippings directly on the soil about 1 inch thick to reduce weeds, moderate soil temperature, and control soil spattering, erosion, run-off and evaporation. Avoid mulching with clippings which have been recently treated with herbicides. This can harm your plants. As a precaution, mulch with clippings from herbicide treated lawns only after two lawn mowings.
Incorporate clippings into garden soil: Mixing fresh grass clippings into the garden adds nutrients and organic matter which improves the texture and moisture retention properties of the soil. A two inch layer of grass can be turned into the soil to a depth of 6″ about once a month.
Give us a call today at 406-534-9498
Thanks a lot
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